To begin with let me say I am leaving parts out in order to make this as short as possible. As Rick would say this is the Readers Digest version.
I guess it was 3 months ago when I had a very strange encounter at school. I had just taken
Jace to his classroom when I was returning to my room and caught a man coming out of my room. He didn't seem particularly startled, I asked if I could help him and he told me he was looking for the Gifted and Talented classes. Well, he was in the right area I suppose so I ask more questions trying to be the ever
helpful teacher and improve those community relations. The whole time I had a very strange feeling in my gut. The guy finally tells me he has papers for my class in his car. I'm very confused at this point. He knows little E
nglish, he is not making sense in what he is asking for and when he says he will get the papers he heads off in the opposite direction of the front door. I
immediately go to the office and ask what is going on and they had no idea (He told me that the office sent him to me). I am now even more suspicious. I thought about it all day and just didn't feel right.
The day ends and as I am getting ready to leave school I check my purse for money because I'm heading to the grocery store. Oh no where is it? Exactly! He took my cash ($200) and credit card. I let the office know and file a report with the police. Rick looks up the credit card account and he has charged over $200 on it. The credit card company froze the card at 11:00 because of suspicious activity.
One week later I get a letter in the mail from Midland PD. "No investigative leads" - whatever! It just wasn't important enough to try to find them. I let it go and figure that was the end of it. WELL - last week I see a Midland
ISD police officer in the office and he asks if I've heard. "Heard what?" I say. "They caught the guy!" I'm thinking this is amazing! Get this he did it 6 other times with the same line. When they caught him he admitted everything. He's going to the pen for at least 5 to 8.
"How do you like me now Mr.